Eversheds Sutherland Tax Reform Law Blog
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White House Version of the Tax Bill Reportedly to Be Ready by Labor Day

Faced with growing Republican discontent over the Trump Administration’s lack of definitive tax legislation, White House economic advisor Gary Cohn projects that Congress will receive President Trump’s detailed tax proposal by the time Lawmakers return from the August recess. If delivered, the proposal would have to share attention with Congressional efforts to raise the debt limit and...

Key Open Topics for Tax Reform

Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady and Speaker Paul Ryan concur that the White House and Republican members of Congress are eighty percent in agreement on tax reform legislation.  Issues constituting the remaining twenty percent include: 1) the permanence of tax reform, 2) individual and corporate tax rates, 3) the border adjustment tax, 4) full expensing or...

Brady Suggests Reports of Border Adjustment Tax’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady, acknowledging the dissension surrounding the border adjustment tax, remains stalwart that it is a “critical” component of the House GOP’s tax reform agenda. Chairman Brady reports working with the White House and the Senate to resolve opposition to the plan, projected to raise nearly a trillion dollars in revenue to offset a...

Ways and Means Committee Hears Testimony on Border Adjustment Tax

On Tuesday, May 23rd, the House Ways and Means Committee, led by Chairman Kevin Brady, held its second hearing on tax reform, entitled “Increasing U.S. Competitiveness and Preventing American Jobs from Moving Overseas.”  The hearing concentrated on the practicality and effects of the proposed border adjustment tax on the economy.  Chairman Brady was critical of the ‘Made in America’...

House Ways and Means Committee Holds First Hearing on Tax Reform.

Led by Chairman Brady, the House Ways and Means Committee held its first hearing on tax reform Thursday. The hearing and witnesses focused mainly on provisions advanced by House Republicans in their Blueprint, including immediate expensing and the impact of a lower corporate tax rate on investment and manufacturing. The witnesses testifying before the Committee included: John J....

Despite a Bleak Outlook, Tax Reform Hearing on Border Adjustment Tax Announced

The House Committee on Ways and Means will hold a hearing on May 23 at 10:00 a.m., entitled “Increasing U.S. Competitiveness and Preventing American Jobs from Moving Overseas,” focusing on the impact of a border adjustment tax and other policies on job, investment and economic growth in the United States. While Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell does not foresee legislation...

Congressional Republicans Undecided on Border Adjustment Tax

Despite support from Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, Paul Ryan’s proposed border adjustment tax appears to lack support among rank and file House Republicans, raising serious questions as to the likelihood of passage.  Even if the bill manages to garner the necessary votes to pass the House, Sen. Lindsey Graham has said that the legislation...

Brady and Roskam Announce Hearing on Tax Reform

Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady and Tax Policy Subcommittee Chairman Peter Roskam have announced that the first hearing on tax reform, focusing on policies to benefit economic growth and job creation, will be held on Thursday, May 18 at 10 a.m. Chairman Brady indicated that tax reform legislation could be introduced in June. Hearing on How Tax Reform Will Grow Our Economy and...

Rep. Brady Declares Border Adjustability Still a Priority After Release of Trump’s Tax Proposal

Representative Kevin Brady stated in an interview with WND/Radio America that despite the Trump administration not mentioning the border adjustment tax in its tax reform proposal released two weeks ago, border adjustability was “still a priority.” The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee characterized the tax as necessary since American “competitors,” including China, Japan...

Ways and Means to Hold Tax Reform Hearings

The House Ways and Means Committee will conduct hearings on tax reform in the coming weeks, working toward the goal of passing tax reform by the end of the year. Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.), Chairman of the Tax Policy Subcommittee, will select witnesses and draft the hearing topics, which will focus on elements of the House Republicans’ tax blueprint. Read more at: GOP chairman: Ways...

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